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When Should You Visit a Gynecologist in Dubai?

Signs when you should visit a Gynecologist in Dubai

10 Signs you should visit a Gynecologist in Dubai

“Prevention is the best cure.” We all heard it. We all know it. But how often do we follow this wisdom? Not till it’s too late!!

It is especially true when it comes to women. While taking care of the family, the majority of women neglect to take care of themselves; this remains true beyond countries and cultures. Ladies in Dubai are no different.

Gynecology is still a culturally sensitive market, and that could be one of the reasons behind it. Thankfully, most Gynecologists in Dubai maintain strict privacy and treat their patients with utmost care. Female patients always have the option to choose to see a female gynecologist.

So, ladies, whenever you notice any potentially serious signs concerning your body, do not wait for a later date. A minor symptom may indicate a major problem. Your Gynecologist is going to be only happy to answer all your health concerns.

Making you paranoid about your health is not our intention. However, there are some symptoms, which can be signs of some underlying health issues. Here are the top 10 symptoms that tell you it’s time to meet the Gynecologist.

10 Signs You Need to See a Gynecologist

1. Unexpected bleeding

If you are on contraceptive pills, your doctors must have warned you about unexpected spotting in between your periods. However, if that’s not the case with you, better get it checked. Spotting or heavy bleeding on random days other than menstruation can be symptoms related to cysts, fibroids, polyps, or in rare scenarios, even gynecological cancer. Post-menopausal bleeding is also not a good sign. Besides these issues, spotting is also a sign of pregnancy; a trace amount of blood and tissues are detached from the uterine lining when the fetus gets implanted. So, good news or bad news do take these surprise blood spots seriously.

2. The period is unbearably painful

Well, apart from sanitary pad commercials, no women feel at their best during periods. For some women and young girls’ periods are equivalent to nightmares. If you had bad periods your whole life and your previous examination failed to find anything clinically significant, you can relax. But if the pain has started worsening and excruciating, that you feel incapacitated, it may be a sign of a bigger problem. Usually, benign tumors like fibroids may cause this pain because of hormonal imbalances. PCOD can be another reason for it. Or maybe you are perfectly fine, but let your Gynecologist determine that.

3. Unusual discharge with a funky smell

All females have regular discharge, and it is absolutely normal, even a healthy sign. This fluid made by glands keeps the vagina clean and healthy. Minor changes in the discharge are not alarming. What’s not normal is a sudden change in color and bad odor, accompanied by itchiness and irritation. These symptoms can be indicative of a range of infections including, bacterial, fungal, or yeast.

4. Soreness in the genital area

Any discomfort in the genital area can hinder all your day-to-day activities. Many infections can lead to soreness, redness, and a burning sensation in the genital area. Even if you have UTI (urinary tract injection), you may feel a burning sensation. Home remedies and cranberry juices may affect only until a stretch; it is always advisable to take medical advice from a Gynecologist before it gets worse.

5. Painful sex

Something which is supposed to give you an ultimate pleasure must not be painful. Surprisingly, nearly 3 out of 4 women experience pre or post-coital pain, and these are figures of western countries where females are open about sharing such problems with their doctors. The real numbers could be much higher. Pain during sex can be a sign of gynecologic problems, such as cyst, endometriosis, vaginismus, or other inflammatory diseases. Similarly, post-coital pain can be a reaction to condoms, but if the symptoms don’t fade away, it could be a vaginal infection.

6. Missed period

If you are planning to have a baby, a missed period can be the first sign of you being pregnant. In other scenarios, irregular periods and missed periods can be signs of several hormonal and physical ailments, such as thyroid dysfunctions, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Along with this, you might feel weak or dizzy, when periods finally arrive. In such situations, immediately consult your doctor.

Gynecologist visit

7. Trouble getting aroused

Several female gynecologists in Dubai have been pretty vocal about female sexual dysfunction and taboos attached to it. Trouble getting aroused is as real for women as men. Your doctor is the best person to advise you in this regard, not your friends or sisters. Gynecologists are always open to discussing all your sexual concerns. The Ob/Gyn can help you diagnose and treat any underlying conditions that might be hindering you from achieving orgasm.

8. Mood swings before or after periods

If you think PMS is bad, wait to meet someone with Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder. The anger, irritability, decreased interest in activities, accompanied by agonizing pain, and cramps hoard over one-third of your month. These symptoms arise a few days before the periods and troubles even when the periods are over. That’s roughly 10 days a month. It is an awful feeling that affects your emotional and social health. Just a few lifestyle changes and medication can help you ease these issues.

9. Trouble with Urination or bowel movement

Pelvic floor dysfunction may give rise to urinary inconsistency and difficulty in bowel movement. Reverse symptoms such as having difficulty holding urine or frequent need to urinate can also indicate Pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor consists of muscles and ligaments in your pelvic area, acting like a sling that holds several organs together in the pelvic region. The real reasons for these conditions are still unknown, but they can happen due to difficult pregnancy, obesity, traumatic injuries, or advancing age. There are multiple ways to rectify these issues, and Ob/Gyn is the best person to advise you whether you need medication, physical therapy, or surgery.

10. It’s has been a while

Just like your regular dental and eye check-up, you need to get your Gynecologist check-up at least once a year. Regular check-ups ensure that you remain healthy, and if there are any health issues, your doctor can catch them early. Regardless of what age you are, a regular health check-up with your Gynecologist ensures you remain at your optimum health. Right from the age of puberty, around 14-15 years to all the way till your post-menopausal age, a routine visit to Gynecologist is recommended.

This information is shared with the intention to educate you rather than making you paranoid. So, if in case you have one or more symptoms, make an appointment with your Gynecologist. Pay attention to what your body tells you, and do not ignore these signs. The doctor can evaluate your issues and provide treatment so you can get back to feeling your best again.