What is a Wheel Alignment and Why is it Important?
Making sure your wheels are correctly aligned enhances the efficiency and durability of your tyres. By hitting pits, bumps, and kerbs, driving on uneven terrain, and through normal wear and tear, wheels frequently fall out of alignment. So to retain your wheels’ best quality and performance, it is crucial to keep them well-aligned.
Wheel Alignment: What Is It?
The angle your wheels make concerning one another and your vehicle’s body is referred to as wheel alignment. The vehicle’s suspension may be changed to modify wheel alignment. Tyre specialists at tyre shops can precisely identify how much modification is needed and apply it thanks to cutting-edge technology. It is advised to have your wheels aligned at least every 10,000 kilometers if you notice a change in how your car is driving or handling.
What Indicates Inadequate Wheel Alignment?
The following are indicators that your car needs a wheel alignment service:
- Vehicle moves in a left- or right-side direction
- When travelling straight, the steering wheel is not in the middle.
- shaking in the steering wheel
- unusual or inconsistent tread wear
- Positive toe
- Negative toe
- Positive camber
- Negative camber
- Caster
The Advantages Of Having Your Wheels Aligned
Upgrade The Life Of Your Tyres
Your tyres will wear unevenly if your wheels are out of alignment. As tyres deteriorate, their lifespan shortens, and they need to be replaced more frequently. In addition, your suspension and steering systems are put under extra strain when your car is out of alignment, which results in uneven wear on other components. Checking your alignment as part of annual maintenance may help you prevent costly repairs or the need to buy new tyres more frequently.

Improve Gas Mileage
Your vehicle’s wheels aren’t cooperating as they should when it’s not aligned correctly. As a result, your car’s engine needs to work much harder to move you ahead, lowering fuel economy.
Lower The Cost Of Auto Repairs
Driving with a poor alignment causes your car’s components to wear out early and unevenly. As a result, your steering and suspension systems suffer damage whenever you encounter a pothole or other bump in the road. In addition, certain parts of these systems absorb the blow harder than others when your tyres aren’t uniformly dispersing the impact, accelerating their failure. If they malfunction entirely, you’ll need to pay for costly car repairs that could have been avoided.
Driving Will Be More Comfortable
Even when your steering wheel is pointed straight ahead, you will typically notice that your car drifts slightly to the right or left when the alignment of its wheels is incorrect. Overcompensating for poor alignment by constantly altering your steering is exhausting, ineffective, distracting, and deadly!
Boost Automobile Safety
Your car, truck, SUV, minivan, or hybrid vehicle will operate better if properly maintained. Additionally, it prevents you from encountering unforeseen auto problems that can leave you stuck on the side of the road. Please do not wait until it is too late to align your wheels.
How Regularly Should You Get an Alignment?
How frequently you should align your car’s wheels isn’t predetermined; it all relies on your typical driving circumstances and routines. Many technicians advise having your car’s alignment checked after every service, but if you often drive on bumpy roads or log more miles than typical, you might want to think about getting an adjustment much more frequently. There is no such thing as too many alignments in the mechanical sense.
Irrespective of when your last alignment was performed, you should realign your vehicle after changing the tyres or any steering or suspension system components or after a driving event like a collision or a particularly forceful hit to the steering wheel.